Kango Inc.


Kango Inc is a leader in innovation in Ontario, Canada for 25 years

Hygiene has been on the forefront of their mission

Our team provides services related to: health and well being.

Kango Inc is rooted in the community to support charitable events in two ways: video production and hygiene utitlizing our patent.

Michelle Messina, inventor and filmmaker has aimed to improve the

theatre experience by providing a pocket onto a popcorn bag for hygiene and convenience.

Big reveal TIFF 2015

video shows public use of the Cineplex bag with Kango pocket and introduction of the inventor and Canadian Patent holder: Michelle Messina cue to: 3:33



Kango Patent - Launches at TIFF at Cineplex


Media interview 680 News re: Michelle. Messina's patent and it's timely relaunch during Covid-19

to help provide better hygiene for the public in theatres and fast food establishments Nov 28 & 29, 2020

2nd Media Intervie





Kango named by inventor Michelle Messina, who created the 1st food container with Pocket in the world

earning title as Inventor and a Canadian Patent.

Best use of the invention, but not limited to, is: Popcorn Bags

The pocket brings Hygiene wetnaps to the consumers' fingertips prior to eating and more...convenience of

having a: toothpick, napkins with other goodies too...like: promos, candy concessions, info and scratch and win tickets..

Perfect for movie-goers in the theatres to enhance their experience, comfort, and timtely for hygiene..

After a long journey, as seen on The Dragon's Den

two divisions were created:

Kango Inc and Kango Naturals visit: Kango Naturals

The invention launched at Brett Wilson's Polo for Heart and Stroke

Kernals Sponsored Michelle's company Kango Inc with complimentary popcorn for her

patented bag with pocket holding: a wetnap, toothpick, luxury napkins, Michelle's business card, and a Kernals Popcorn coupon.

Guests loved the idea and it was a big success!

Brett Wilson and Michelle Messina - Polo For Heart and Stroke - Kango Inc launch

Brett Wilson & Michelle Messina

Polo For Heart & Stroke

Michelle Messina Sponsored by Kernals Popcorn for Kango Inc. Polo For Heart and Stroke - Kango Inc Invention Launch with Michelle Messina


First sale and test market was at Cineplex Odeon during TIFF for the World Premier of "Forsaken", with Kiefer Sutherland & Donald Sutherland

the opening film for the Toronto International Film Festival - TIFF.

Kiefer Sutherland was presented with the invention during an exclusive question and answer period

The look on his face, and many attendees enjoying the invetion at the VIP Premier was priceless!

Servers where hired to hand deliver popcorn bags with pocket and on on the boxed caramel corn, pre-film and in the isles. Which also added a great touch of service.

Pocket provided: a wetnap, luxury napkin, toothpick and Michelle Messina's businss card for Kango Inc.

Another big success and ironically Michelle's primary business has been film product at: Pocket Pictures who was also hired to do the video for the interview

talk about luck!

When the universe alligns it does so in a big way!

Watch footage of this event:


Kango Inc. a leader in innovative products in Canada

Everything made and assembled in Toronto Ontario

using only the finest of recycled paper, environmental plastics that are recyclable

soon to be launched in stores on lunch bags.

This invention is currently being considered during Covid19 to support Safety First philosophy to consumers in stage 3


Kango Bag with pocket - Popcorn bags, lunch bags, take-out bags custom orders

Kango can implement patent to your existing bag, food container or box.


NOW BAGGING: More than Popcorn


September 18, 2015 Kango's World Premiere in theatres at Varsity VIP Cineplex With servers!

Yes servers! At Cineplex Odeon Theatres!

Pocket Pictures captured the event view video: play video

Kango Inc World Premiere at Cineplex Odeon the Pouch on Popcorn bag

VIP TIFF attendees had the special privilege of expriencing first hand Michelle Messina's invention from Kango Inc.

Implementing the Kango pocket onto Cineplex Odeon's Popcorn bags and Poptopia Carmamel Popcorn Boxes provies a user friendly option for add ons!

In pocket attendees found: A wetnap, toothpick, and luxury linen napkin! The second surprise was Kiefer Sutherland showed up for a half an hour Q&A.

Inventor Michelle Messina with Kango Pocket on Popcorn Bag TIFF Cineplex VIP Theatres


Inventor Michelle Messina, was introduced and presented Kiefer Sutherland with the Popcorn bag with pocket,

Kiefer said after being asked about technology, he elaborated that the theatre experience has not changed in 40 years and is behind on the times

...that was the cue for Ms. Messina to be introduced!

Upon a formal introduction, she presented him with the popcorn bag with pocket, a monumental moment having struggled to get into theatres for years

Kiefer said "Very Cool, I take it back, the theatre experience has improvement!"

TIFF Kiefer Sutherland Michelle Messina Pocket Pictures

Kiefer Sutherland inventor Michelle Messina Presented with Patented Popcorn bag with pocketKiefer Sutherland Kango Inc Patented Popcorn Bag inventor: MIchelle Messina


email kango for a quote email

Specialty Bags, Ready to eat food bags, Popcorn Bags and More...all with a Pocket of course!

Bring hygeine back into your life, the easy way. Simple rule: clean your hands before and after you eat!

Michelle Messina inventor of:

Patented food container with pocket(s). Said container could be: a pizza box, popcorn bag, paper bag, lunch bag, grocery bag....unleash your imagination. Now, just think of all those extra things you can stuff in a pocket! Seasoning packs, toothpicks, wet naps, forks, chopsticks, napkins, condiments, coupons, prizes, samples, extra food, receipt, movie tickets, movie info, side orders....and much more!

Exclusive rights available! Book an appointment today.

Best Theatre Experience ever! Kiefer Sutherland loves Kango Pocket on Popcorn bag Inventor: Michelle Messina


Attendee and Conferences:

CHFA - Toronto Sept 2017

ASTMH - New Orleans - Oct 2018

ADM - Montreal - Nov 2018

Development of Hygeine Products - 2019

Lauch wetnaps in select estabishments in phase 3 of Covid19 - 2020



All rights reserved © Kango Inc. 2011 - 2024